Allentown Heat Pump Tip: Outdoor Maintenance

outdoor heating maintenance A heat pump works by heating your home during the winter. Therefore, during the summer, it works by cooling the living space. You have to understand that it doesn’t need to burn fuel in order to produce heat. Likewise, it doesn’t use the electricity it consumes to pass through another element. Essentially, the heat pump operates on the same concept to that of a refrigerator or an air conditioner. Hence, the liquid absorbs the heat and turns into gas. As the gas transforms back into a liquid state, heat is eventually released.

And just like any other appliance or machine you have at home, the heat pump also needs maintenance. Keep in mind that even the smallest problems and issues that are left unattended and unnoticed will result to more serious problems with respect to the compressor. Surely you don’t want to end up paying for a replacement or a major compressor repair. But because the maintenance of a heat pump is a lot more complicated and technical compared to taking care of a typical heating system, it is therefore sensible to call in a professional service contractor or company to deal with any heat pump repair. But it doesn’t mean you just sit there and do nothing. Your responsibility is primarily on heat pump outdoor maintenance, which is primarily composed of keeping the filter clean and the removing and getting rid of any obstacles or hindrances to sufficient air flow.

Yes, proper outdoor maintenance is vital in your hope of keeping your heat pump alive for more years to come. Since heat pumps are pretty much like central ACs where there is an outdoor unit with a compressor, coil, and fan, there is a serious need to maintain them in order for the entire system to work properly. For one, the unit outside has to be kept from any debris that can disrupt its function. Debris can include leaves, dust, and dirt. Also, make sure the unit outside must be put on the leveled concrete pad.


Outdoor heat pump maintenance also means you need to clean pine needles, leaves, as well as dirt from the updraft fans. In order to do this, you need to remove the grille which is protected and held by the frame with retaining crews. But do make sure the power is turned off before you start the cleaning. As for the means of cleaning, you can actually use a vacuum cleaner with a fine hose that can fit in between the fan blades. With it, it is easier to remove the debris from the sides and bottom of the unit.

Also, outdoor maintenance of your heat pump should likewise include checking and inspecting the piping insulation for any signs of deterioration. If insulation is faulty, replacement is the only option.