Fuel Delivery By R.F. Ohl
We are a direct supplier of oil, diesel, and kerosene
We deliver competitively priced, high quality, home heating oil, diesel fuel, and kerosene throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania. Our delivery area covers Carbon, Monroe, Schuylkill, Lehigh, and Northampton counties.
We offer our EZ Comfort Plan tailored to meet your needs and budget.
Home Heating Oil
Home heating oil, or fuel oil, is a low viscosity, liquid petroleum product used as a fuel for furnaces or boilers in homes and buildings. Learn about receiving #2 fuel oil today!
Diesel Delivery
Diesel fuel is a form of light fuel oil. It is very similar to kerosene but used most commonly in industrial and commercial applications rather than residential homes.
Kerosene is used for a wide variety of heating solutions. Whether you use kerosene for space heating or whole-home heating, R.F. Ohl offers dyed kerosene delivered directly to you.
Contact Us For Immediate Service
We are committed to providing the best service for your ulitmate home comfort!