What Is A Carbon Footprint?

what is a carbon footprint

Helping the environment is a hot topic these days. With this, many ask, “What is a carbon footprint?”. The concept of a carbon footprint refers to the total emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) resulting from the combustion of fossil fuels. Activities such as driving cars, utilizing electricity, heating homes, cooking, and others contribute to these emissions. While these activities are often essential, the problem arises from the greenhouse gases they emit, which accumulate in the atmosphere and trap heat, leading to global warming and significant climate changes.

Recognizing the urgency of mitigating climate change and selecting sustainable fuel sources, R.F. Ohl is committed to reducing our carbon footprint. Given our awareness of how everyday routines impact the environment, we must explore solutions. How can we diminish our carbon footprint without forgoing the comforts of modern life?

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Strategies for Minimizing Your Carbon Footprint

This article explores a variety of methods for adopting more eco-friendly practices in your everyday routines.

Heating Oil

soybeans used to produce Bioheat® heating oil

Many homes and businesses throughout the eastern United States rely on home heating oil as their primary heat source during winter, and some even use it year-round for domestic hot water. Although modern heating oil emits considerably fewer pollutants than older versions, it’s important to note that #2 fuel oil still produces carbon emissions.

However, significant changes are on the horizon, thanks to the adoption of the Providence Resolution. R.F. Ohl proudly supports this initiative and is at the forefront of promoting these environmental advancements within the industry.

The Providence Resolution, established in 2019, commits the oil industry to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. This ambitious goal means that by mid-century, the combustion of heating oil will result in zero net carbon emissions, marking a significant step towards environmental responsibility in the heating oil sector.

R.F. Ohl’s customers are already experiencing the benefits of our proactive stance on this issue. Our commitment to combating climate change is demonstrated by supplying Bioheat® heating oil, a sustainable mix of #2 heating oil and biodiesel, at no additional cost to our customers. This initiative not only supports our environmental goals but also provides our customers with a cleaner, more sustainable heating solution.

For homeowners in northeastern Pennsylvania who aren’t currently R.F. Ohl customers, you, too, can contribute to a greener future by choosing us for your home heating oil needs.

Using this fuel not only lowers emissions but also helps in reducing your carbon footprint. Additionally, there’s no need for any upgrades to your existing heating equipment, as it is fully compatible with your current system. At R.F. Ohl, this eco-friendly option does not cost more than traditional home heating oil. To switch to this greener heating solution, simply give us a call today.

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Support Local Food Sources

Choosing to eat seasonal food often means you’re opting for locally grown produce, which is an excellent strategy for reducing carbon emissions. By purchasing local food, you minimize the time it spends in transit on distribution trucks, thereby decreasing the exhaust fumes released into the atmosphere. This practice not only benefits the environment but also supports local economies.

Additionally, you can embrace the “Meatless Monday” initiative by preparing vegetarian meals every Monday. Switching to plant-based meals can significantly reduce carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions. To further enhance your environmental impact, consider setting up a compost bin for your vegetable scraps rather than discarding them in the trash. Also, remember to bring your reusable grocery bags when shopping at the grocery store or farmer’s market to reduce waste.

Implement Water Conservation Efforts

Water is a crucial, yet limited resource, and conserving it is essential for mitigating climate change. Here are some practical steps you can take to use water more efficiently:

  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.
  • Opt for a reusable water bottle instead of buying single-use plastic bottles.
  • Repair any leaks in your home to prevent water wastage.
  • Avoid using your toilet as a wastebasket.
  • Choose to take shorter showers or baths less frequently.
  • Invest in water-efficient appliances for your home.
  • Run your washing machine and dishwasher only with full loads.
  • Use cold water in the washing machine to save energy and reduce heating costs.
  • Apply mulch around trees and plants to retain soil moisture.
  • Water your lawn deeply but less frequently to encourage deeper root growth and drought resistance.

Implementing these tips not only reduces your water consumption but also contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle, potentially lowering your water bills in the process.

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Reduce Your Electricity Use

Reducing electricity consumption not only decreases your carbon footprint but also saves on energy costs. Here are several effective methods to lessen your electrical use:

  • Always turn off the lights when you exit a room.
  • Invest in a programmable thermostat and set it accurately to optimize energy use.
  • Choose energy-efficient appliances that consume less power.
  • Ensure that seals on windows, doors, and appliances are tight to prevent energy leaks.
  • Properly insulate your home to maintain temperature and reduce heating and cooling needs.
  • Replace traditional light bulbs with compact fluorescent or LED bulbs that bear the Energy Star label for efficiency.
  • Unplug electrical devices when they’re not in use to avoid “phantom” energy consumption.
  • Regularly maintain your HVAC system to keep it running efficiently.
  • Conduct an energy audit to identify areas where you can improve energy efficiency in your home.

Implementing these strategies can lead to significant reductions in energy consumption, benefiting both the environment and your wallet.

Bike or Walk More, Drive Less

biking instead of using a car to reduce carbon emissions

Many of us appreciate the convenience of driving, but often, our destinations are closer than we think—possibly within walking or biking distance. Opting to leave the car at home and walk or bike not only cuts down on carbon emissions but also saves on gas money and provides a chance for extra physical activity. If walking or biking isn’t feasible, consider using public transportation or organizing a carpool. These alternatives reduce the number of vehicles on the road, thereby lowering overall exhaust emissions in the environment.

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Practice The 5 R’s

You can also try out the following to contribute your share:

  • Refuse: Avoid using products that you really don’t need. For instance, opt for more naturally-based cleaners instead of chemically-based ones in your home.
  • Reduce: Donate items that you really don’t use or need anymore. Also, only purchase things that you require.
  • Reuse: Instead of choosing disposable items, invest in those that are reusable and offer a more lasting solution.
  • Recycle: Make sure to utilize the option of recycling your items instead of throwing them away.
  • Rot: Ensure to compost at home as a way of keeping these items out of landfills. Your garden will thank you.


In general, what benefits the environment tends to benefit your wallet too. Thus, embracing eco-conscious practices not only conserves resources but also saves you money. There are numerous avenues to diminish your carbon footprint. As evidenced by the preceding suggestions, many are simple to adopt. It merely requires a slight shift in your habits.

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Call R.F. Ohl For Fast & Affordable Heating Oil Deliveries

R.F. Ohl is a reliable HVAC company and heating oil supplier. We offer the most competitive heating oil prices in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and our deliveries are always completed in a timely and efficient manner. We offer many different delivery plans and financing options so that you can customize your heating oil deliveries to fit your needs. In addition, we employ only experienced, licensed HVAC technicians to complete any necessary heating tune-ups and repairs so that you can reduce your overall energy costs.

At R.F. Ohl, we provide state-of-the-art HVAC repairs, replacements, tune-ups, and installations. Our professionals have the knowledge and experience to offer you practical and reasonably priced solutions for all your home comfort needs.

Contact R.F. Ohl as soon as possible, and we will be happy to schedule a complimentary, in-home estimate of your HVAC system. Likewise, call us today to find out more about our fuel deliveries. Click the link to view our service area.

Click here to contact us today or give us a call at (610) 377-1098 if you have any questions.

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